If you share our commitment to AHCI's mission, please consider getting involved
in any of the following ways:
AHCI Membership:
Members are dues-paying individuals who want to contribute their time, input, advice, information, and knowledge to the coalition's activities. Members meet on a quarterly basis.
Click here for our membership form.
AHCI Committees:
The Asian Health Coalition of Illinois welcomes volunteers to join any of the following committees.
The Data Committee provides guidance to staff regarding AHCI data and research projects, and makes policy recommendations regarding AAPI health data.
The Fundraising Committee plans AHCI’s annual fundraising events. Our fourth annual benefit reception will be held on Thursday, October 28, 2004 at the High Risk Gallery.
Programs and Grants:
This Committee assists staff with program development and helps identify grant opportunities.
Public Relations:
This Committee plans public relations projects, including media outreach, publications, and web site improvements.
Office Volunteers and Interns:
AHCI welcomes student involvement as administrative and program volunteers and interns. We would be glad to assist students in getting class credit for your service to AHCI. To get involved, please call (773) 878-3539.
AHCI Board:
To help shape the Coalition’s mission and oversee its programs, we welcome you to apply to become a member of the Board of Directors. To apply, please call our Executive Director at (773) 878-8969.
Office Wish list:
Conference table
Filing cabinets