Welcome to AAMHC

Austin Area Mental Health Consumers, Inc. (AAMHC) is an organization of people with a mental illness who have organized the SHAC in order to provide an array of services. The Board of Directors has hired an Executive Director to maintain services and develop new training that is available to people living with a mental illness. AAMHC holds their board meetings once a month to oversee the work of the Executive Director. This dedicated Board also volunteers their time throughout the week to assist with the daily functions of the office. AAMHC has also developed committees that support the mission statement of the organization. Anyone can be a part of the committees if you so desire. The committees are:

  • Staffing/Volunteer
  • Newsletter
  • Strategic Planning
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Grant Writing

Our Mission

To empower and promote self-esteem; Act as a resource for information and services; Partner with community organizations through S.H.A.R.E. (Support, Hope, Advocacy, Responsibility, Education)

Our Vision

That our membership will develop relationships with the community and the community will utilize our organization as a respectable resource for mental health information and education.