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What is PledgePage?
PledgePage is a project of CharityFocus that offers a simple, free way for people to share their story, their inspiration that makes them alive. You can put your personal fundraising causes online in minutes, post photos, share diary entires and much more.
PledgePage For Individuals

PledgePage is a story in the making. It is a story of everyday heroes, of ordinary people doing small acts with an extraordinary heart. With this service, you can create a website to track the progress of their fundraising activities. It offers:

  • your own url, without any ads
  • a diary for sharing inspiration
  • photo album for posting graphics
  • contact management for managing donors
  • email lists for staying in touch
  • and more...
And it's not just limited to fundraising drives. Create your own travel journal, service page ... you name it!

PledgePage For Organizations

PledgePage allows organizations to create a website in a matter of minutes. With each site, you can:

  • create and manage events
  • event participants can create PledgePages
  • build a nugget of inspiring stories online
  • outreach collectively with dynamic content
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