This page is a demo of how to email contents of a form using PHP. Create a file called form.php like below:
<?php if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS) && ereg("@", $to) && ereg("@", $from) && ($redirect != "")) { // Add all the POSTed variables to the message body while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)){ $body .= $key . ' = ' . $value . "\r\n"; } // Requires setting sendmail (unix) in the path $headers = "From: ".$from."\n"; $success = mail($to, "Posted " . date("m/d/Y"), $body, $headers); if ($success) { header ("Location: $redirect"); } else { die ("Internal Error: Couldn't send out mail!\n"); } } else { die ("Error: Unrecognized input! Contact webmaster.\n"); } ?>
In your HTML file, use something like below (note that this is just a barebones form as seen above; you would replace the TEXTAREA tag with your usual form fields and use the accurate URL_PATH for the script):
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://URL_PATH/form.php"> <TEXTAREA NAME=mesg COLS=30 ROWS=4 WRAP=virtual> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Send Us The Message"> <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="to" VALUE=""> <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="from" VALUE=""> <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="redirect" VALUE=""> </FORM>
Please also remember that you use your own copy of the script; the existing one on should not be used elsewhere is likely to be modified anytime! For more examples and/or other ideas, check out
Also note that you can also just use the mailto tag (although not as flexible as above option):
<FORM METHOD=POST NAME="subscribeme" ACTION=""> <textarea name=mesg cols=30 rows=4 wrap=virtual> </FORM>
If you have any questions, please feel free to email