Noonan Syndrome (NS)
Support Group Introductions
Colodner, Joel and Borrie, Alexandra (as at 12/97)
Joel Colodner and Alexandra Borrie are the parents of Emma Alexandra (10/23/83) and Abigail Borrie (5/20/87). Emma was a failure to thrive baby and fell behind developmentally very early. She showed no interest in food until age 2 (now she eats all the time!) when she weighed 14lb. She walked @ 20 months. She was diagnosed ADD at age 7, although her new Neurologist questions it. She is extraordinarily distractible and has always been in schools for learning disabled children where she does quite well. Joel is an actor and Alexandra used to be and is now in a career change mode. We live in Rego Park, a neighborhood in the borough of Queens, NY
The Noonan Syndrome Support Group, Inc. and any associated parties will not be held responsible for any actions readers take based on their interpretation of published or disseminated material. Please review medical treatment and decisions with your physician.