Noonan Syndrome (NS)
Support Group Introductions

Ellis, Michelle (as of 8/99)

Well I’ve finally got down to writing my introduction, even though I have been in contact with the group for over 1 ½ years now!

I am 19 years old and was born in Brussels. I was a prem. baby.. born by caesarean at 32 weeks. I was born with a hole in my heart, mild PS (which I still have), ptosis, strabismus. They didn’t operate on my heart till I was 4 years old when they closed the ASD I had. I also had a series of operations for my squint and ptosis.

The early years were very difficult naturally. I apparently was a very stubborn baby that would not eat and would be sick! I was bad with lumpy food as well (?!) Those first few years I was sick quite a lot with ear infections and tonsillitis, bronchitis etc. etc. I was also very short, and low weight was a problem. I did half days at school for a couple of years because I tired out so easily tired out. Later on I was still having loads of infections and lots of time off school but I was having less feeding problems and was getting myself ‘sorted out’ in the means of more eye operations. I also had a very low stamina especially when carrying out physical exercise (which I still have problems with!) I had problems at school with concentration and bullying but I pulled through and passed most of my exams.

It was 2 years ago now that NS started to become a familiar term when I was diagnosed in Belgium. We did not have a clue what this was but I set out to find out! I was in denial for a long time. It was then I found this amazing group. Wanda you are a saint!

Last year I was seen by the team at St George’s Hospital in London, who confirmed my diagnosis as much as they could without a test. It was then really that it completely sunk in. On the medical reports it states that I have lots of the NS facial features, which I was quite unaware of. I also have scoliosis, lordosis, mild chest deformity (though only very mild), cubitus valgus (elbow deformity) ,poor muscle tone (especially in my tummy), poor co-ordination, long sightedness and short sightedness, anti-smooth muscle auto-antibodies, poor circulation, very curly dry hair and tendency to bleed (loads of nose-bleeding episodes!)

I don’t know what I would have done without TNSSG. I am still battling with some problems I have because of the NS, mainly my back problems and muscle problems (though only mild).

Although I have all these problems I consider myself to be very lucky as I have only a mild case of NS.

I don’t know if I have included everything , but I have written a lot so I better close now!

Thanks guys for everything.

Michelle Ellis (29/02/80)

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