Below are few of the many ways you can get involved and contribute to the progress of our work
- Financial Contributions
We at the Africa Christian Youth Development Foundation will gladly appreciate any amount of contribution you can make through cash, check or money orders payable to "Africa Christian Youths Development Foundation" to ensure that we all can continue with our programs and projects of touching people's lives or assisting young people transform their communities.
Please mail all contributions to:
Africa Christian Youths Development Foundation
Attn: Engr. Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba
Dadin Kowa Last Gate,
P.0.B0X 6451,
Plateau State-Nigeria
West Africa
We also accept financial donations by
- Community-Wide Fundraising
There are many other ways to support our efforts at ACYDF than simply making a financial donation.
One creative and easy way to get more practically involved is to organize a fundraising event to educate your community about our programs and activities and then donate the proceeds to projects that change the lives of people around you in the world.
By organizing community-wide fundraising, you are not only raising money but also making the community members aware of the important issues happening near and far.
- Volunteering
The Africa Christian Youths Development Foundation believes in the power of Volunteerism where young people especially and adults become great resources for community development and social transformation.
Therefore, we are seeking Volunteers to help in the design and implementation of our programs and projects. Volunteers are welcome all year round.
- Monthly Giving Initiative
Our program centered monthly giving guarantees ongoing, everyday support for youths, children and the elderly families in need of one form of aid or the other. This easy, convenient strategy of giving allows you to provide steady, ongoing assistance to the program of your choice.
You control the amount and date of your giving and the method of our communication with you.
As a member of our monthly giving program, you help in reducing administrative costs and put your donation to work more efficiently.
You can cancel or adjust your donation level at any time.
On our part, we send you monthly reports, including photographs of what your money has done or is doing.
Please, contact us for further details on any of the above options using the following email
Thank you and remain blessed.