Many opportunities await those who would like to help. You may offer financial assistance, goods and services, or volunteer at one of the Jamyang Foundation projects.
For $240 a year, you can educate a girl or young woman and prepare her to take a leadership role in a desperately poor and culturally endangered region of Bangladesh or the Himalayas. Please lend your support!
S Demonstrate solidarity with sisters faced by poverty and illiteracy
S Provide health care, education, and nourishment for hundreds of girls and women
S Help a young woman fulfill her spiritual and intellectual potential
S Further intercultural understanding
S Make someone very happy!
Jamyang Foundation for Buddhist Women is registered as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization in the State of California and all donations are tax-deductible. $20 per month ($240) provides a full scholarship for one student. Because students are refugees from Tibet or belong to poor Himalayan villages, the Jamyang Foundation programs are entirely dependent on donations.
Volunteer Service
Jamyang Foundation welcomes volunteers at all six education programs for women in the Himalayas. Students in these programs are keen to learn English, arithmetic, gardening, leadership skills, Hindi, social studies, accounting, and health care. Simple food and housing are provided. Volunteers must take care of their own travel expenses, health insurance, and incidentals.
There are six programs in need of volunteers. Most volunteer opportunities are available during the summer months, due to the Himalayan mountain climate. The six educational programs include:
Yangchen Choling Monastery
Village Pangmo, P.O. Hull, Lahaul/Spiti, Himachal Pradesh
Number of Students: 18
English Level: Beginning
Weather Conditions: Pleasant in summer, extremely cold in winter
Sherab Choling Institute
Village Morang, P.O. Hull, Lahaul/Spiti, Himachal Pradesh
Number of Studies: 23
English Level: Beginning
Weather Conditions: Pleasant in summer, extremely cold in winter
Changchub Choling Monastery
Village Zangla, P.O. Padum, Zanskar, Ladakh, J&K State
Number of Students: 24
English Level: Beginning
Weather Conditions: Pleasant in summer, extremely cold in winter
Khachoe Drubling Monastery (Jujik Shel)
Village Karcha, P.O. Padum, Zanskar, Ladakh, J&K State
Number of Studies: 26
English Level: Beginning
Weather Conditions: Pleasant in summer, extremely cold in winter
Pishu Monastery
Village Pishu, P.O. Padum, Zanskar, Ladakh, J&K State
Number of Students: 18
English Level: Beginning
Weather Conditions: Pleasant in summer, extremely cold in winter
A background in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) is helpful, but not required. The most important qualifications for teachers are patience and a willingness to teach. As a mark of respect for the students' monastic lifestyle, volunteers are asked to familiarize themselves with local etiquette. Elementary English textbooks are available at each location, but it would be helpful to bring additional textbooks or teaching tools. Volunteers to help with planting and caring for trees, flowers, and vegetable gardens are also very welcome.
The weather varies greatly at the different locations. At the monasteries in the Himalayas, the summer is beautiful, but the winter is icy cold with lots of snow. The roads there are generally only open from mid-July to mid-September. The mildest climate is found in Kinnaur, where it is possible to stay through the winter.
Further Information
These education projects are having far-reaching consequences for women and Buddhism in the Himalayan region. We are deeply grateful for all assistance. For further information, please contact:
Jamyang Foundation
c/o Karma Lekshe Tsomo
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492
May all beings be well and happy!