Bridge School Centres Bridge School Centres are the primary building blocks of RIDE's Child Labour Eradication Programme. The Centres provide an educational, social and emotional transition to government schools for children recently released from full-time work in Kanchipuram's silk looms. The Centres are flexibly designed to maximise each student's success as well as the number of children served. Acknowledging the wide range of school histories, skill levels, health and emotional conditions, RIDE provides each Bridge School Centre student as much coaching as necessary to enable him/her to pass the government school entrance exams and feel confident in his/her abilities to succeed once in the government school. Only those who have been accepted into schools and are emotionally and physically ready to transfer do so. Students will remain in the Centres until they are ready, up to one year. As students transfer to the government school, additional newly released child weavers will enter the Bridge School Centres. Between March 1998 and March 1999, RIDE opened 8 Bridge School Centres in Kanchipuram, 5 sponsored by U.S.-based charity American Jewish World Service, and 3 by German- based Andheri- Hilfe. These Centres currently serve over 200 former child weavers. The Bridge School Centres also serve as a focal point for the delivery of RIDE's other essential social services to the community including medical check-ups, councelling, and public awareness campaigns.
Evening Schools RIDE's Evening Schools provide educational, social and emotional support to child weavers who have yet to be released from work in Kanchipuram's silk looms. The Evening Schools are both an introduction to education and its benefits, and a valuable community awareness tool. Children in the Evening Schools learn Tamil reading and writing, receive nutritional snacks, and are provided an opportunity to play freely with each other. RIDE also uses this forum to counsel families about the ills of child labour, and encourages parents to free their children and enroll them in school. In 1998-99, RIDE operated 7 Evening Schools, serving 180 children.RIDE Day Schools RIDE Day Schools provide educationional opportunities for children in rural villages of Kanchipuram District where there are no existing school facilities or where the existing facilities are inadequate for providing a quality education. In the RIDE Day Schools, children learn basic education up to the Fifth Standard and receive information and guidance on a range of social and health issues. The schools also serve to prevent parents from enlisting their children as labourers, a sad, but common consequence of inadequate local facilities. In 1998-99, RIDE operated 6 RIDE Day Schools, serving 151 children, including 2 schools dedicated to educating schedule tribal children.
Family Link Programme (formerly Adopted Children Programme) Begun in 1990, the Family Link Programme matches sponsor families in Sweden with families in Kanchipuram District. In exchange for the regular school attendance and satisfactory achievement, the school-aged beneficiaries of the programme receive dry food, clothing material, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, school uniforms, and school supplies each month. The sponsoring families also cover the fees for sending the children to school. RIDE also provides support and assistance to parents of the children through its income-generating programmes including Self-Help Groups, Rural Entrepreneurship Development Progamme and the Rural Women's Self- Employment Programme. In 1998-99, the families of 123 children participated in the Family Link Programme. Ninety-eight percent of these children continue to attend school in Kanchipuram District.
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