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is a member of The Smiley Group. It has an objective to educate the Nigerian undergraduate student body on matters concerning HIV/AIDS, prostitution and other sexual related matters, which include the spread of STDs and STIs. Due to recent research, the Red Ribbon discovered the major reasons for the rampant spread of the aforementioned ills fall solely on dearth of information. We have thus decided to curb these ills by first empowering our workforce, and then eliminating the illiteracy on these issues.
Methods frequently used by NPOs in Nigeria have frightened people into obscurity, thereby prohibiting them from openly discussing these issues. The ‘doom and gloom’ tales are working negatively (especially with the HIV/AIDS), in that they only succeed to scare victims, thus eliminating valid proofs. They have also added an undesirable stigma to these victims by latently labeling them outcasts.
The Red Ribbon is uniquely addressing these issues by first eliminating the ‘dark cloud’ that shrouds these issues and then by attempting to re-introduce their victims into society. The University campus in Nigeria is presently under siege, and we believe it to be so because its citizens are deprived of pertinent information.
More importantly than obtaining the information for disclosure is the method of disclosure. This project has proven several times that it can divulge information in ways that do not only appeal to but stay with the Nigerian College scholar, enlightening his/her mind.
Pimary Aims and Objectives:
- To erase the ‘doom and gloom’ associated with HIV/AIDS
- To battle female sexual harassments on the Nigerian college campus
- To combat prostitution and trash its market
“According special priority to young people will change the future course of the epidemic. Changing behaviors and expectations early results in a lifetime of benefit – both in HIV prevention and in overcoming HIV-related stigma. The challenge is to promote effective programmers that engage young people in all aspects of the response to HIV/AIDS.... In every country where HIV transmission has been reduced, it has been among young people that the most spectacular reductions have occurred.“
– Peter Piot, Executive Director, UNAIDS

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