Support Links
The Custody Project, sharing the following links, hopes they may
be beneficial. However, TCP gives no warranty, guarantee or promise
as to the authenticity, verifiability, accuracy, effectiveness, wisdom or truth of the links,
nor is TCP responsible for their content. Links are updated from time
to time.
If you have a link to share, contact us. You may be improving a
family’s welfare and safety immeasurably. Thank you.
ACES. Association For Children for Enforcement of Support,
P.O. Box 7842
Fredericksburg, VA 22404-7842
800-738-2237 (ACES) = Hotline
800-739-2237, fax
419-472-6295, fax
Justice For Children
2600 Southwest Freeway, #806
Houston TX 77098
713-225-2818, fax
Justice For Children, advocating for children failed by the system, is a national nonprofit organization of citizens concerned about children's rights and their protection from abuse.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
PO Box 161810
Austin TX 78716
800-787-3224 (for the impaired, deaf, blind)
512-453-8541, fax
The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides national referrals
for domestic violence, crisis intervention, legal advocacy, and
counseling issues.
National MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
511 E. John Carpenter Freeway, #700
Irving TX 75062
214-744-MADD (6233)
800-GET-MADD (800-438-6233)
972-869-2206/07, fax
National Organization for Women (NOW)
733 15th Street NW,
#300, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20005
202-628-8669 (628-8NOW)
202-331-9002 (TTY)
800-507-7007 (for catalog)
202-785-8576, fax
www.now.org (see, local chapters)
The National Organization for Women provides legal referrals for
domestic violence, sexual abuse, custody, visitation, works to eliminate
discrimination, harassment, violation, racism, sexism, and homophobia, and
promotes reproductive freedoms, equality and justice.
Legal Momentum
395 Hudson Street, 5th FL
New York, NY 10014
212-226-1066, fax
This small, national nonprofit provides information and national
referrals to organizations that may help you in your area with domestic
violence, employment, sexual harassment, immigration, and other issues. They
have various legal publications and a helpline. On occasion, Legal Momentum
accepts precedent setting, policy, or grant-funded cases going to
the U.S. Supreme Court.
National Partnership for Women and Families
1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW, #650
Washington, DC 20009
202-986-2539, fax
This nonprofit organization uses public education and advocacy
to promote fairness in the workplace, quality health care, and policies
that help women and men meet the dual demands of work and family.
Pine Tree Legal Assistance
88 Federal Street
P.O. Box 547
Portland ME 04112
207-828-2308 (TTY)
207-828-2300, fax
800-442-42930 (for Maine Volunteers Lawyers Project)
Pine Tree Legal Assistance provides free legal assistance to low-income
Maine people; this website also provides links to pro bono resources
throughout the country.
Pro Se Hotline.
Women's Law Center of Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Assistance and forms support pertaining mostly to family law issues
(divorce, custody, visitation, and child support). Telephone support
hours are Tuesday, 9-12:30, Wednesday, 9-12:30 and 4-7, Thursday 9-4,
and Friday, 9-12:30, EST.
U.S. Department of State
The Office of Children's Issues
SA-29, 4th Floor
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520-2818
888-407-4747 (8-8 EST)
The U.S. Department of State helps with international parental
abduction, retention, and international adoption. Ask for The Hague Convention Application.
Many countries co-operate to make sure custody laws are enforced
under The Hague Convention. You do not need to have custody to apply.
You can receive additional information on line at www.travel.state.gov/family/about/how/how_604.html
Women’s Law Project
986 S. Broad Street
Trenton, NJ 08630
The Women’s Law Project helps women who are victims of domestic
violence, with custody, visitation, and divorce, in certain counties
of New Jersey. Sliding scale. For the New Jersey statewide domsetic
violence hotline, call 800-572-SAFE. (572-7233)
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