The Custody Project, sharing the following testimonials, hopes they may
be beneficial. However, TCP gives no warranty, guarantee or promise as
to the authenticity,
verifiability, accuracy, effectiveness, wisdom or truth of the testimonials,
nor is TCP responsible for their content. Testimonials are updated
from time to time.
Those assisted by TCP often require privacy and anonymity. However, if
The Custody Project has assisted you and you wish to share your testimonial,
please contact us. Thank you.
“Thank you for your support and encouragement! The Custody Project
helped us with our housing. TCP’s grant was used to replace a
canvas roof on our Camper Westfalia that was our temporary home. A humble
home for a severe hemophiliac and his big sister.”
Katrina, Hawaii
“The Custody Project was very helpful monetarily to me and very
supportive to me personally. When I needed it most, TCP was there. It
made my kids’ Christmas that year and I was able to pay the heating
bill. TCP played a big part in getting us back together.”
Robinette, California
“I received the check you sent and cannot thank
you enough for the generosity of your good work. Your project is so
helpful and important.”
Anonymous, California
“How grateful I am, not only for the emotional support, but because
The Custody Project enabled us to have Christmas that year. It meant
having a Christmas tree and being able to pay the heating bill. The
gesture was extended; TCP actually care enough to help.”
Jeanne, Washington
“In June of 2002, I sent my children on their usual yearly summer
holiday to their father in England. Unlike the previous 4 years, my
children were not returned. I went to a number of different agencies
to ask for help (police and D.A. included) but was turned away because
I had no official custody papers. I was told to “Get a lawyer,”
all of whom quoted me over $20,000 to start! I had no way of even coming
up with a few hundred, leaving me in a place of despair for what ended
up to be months of no contact with my girls, ages 11 and 8.
It was not until January of 2003 that I found the help I needed through
The Custody Project. I was finally given the information I needed to
get my children safely home. I did not need a lawyer and found out I
only needed to fill out one piece of paper with a pen!!!
Luckily for me the country that my children were in PAID FOR ALL COURT
EXPENSES. If this happens to you or someone you know, contact
U.S. Department of State
The Office of Children’s Issues
2401 E Street, N.W., Room L127
Washington, DC 20522
202-663-2674, fax
International parental abduction (or retention in my case) is
NOT unusual. The form you need to fill out is called a Hague Convention
Application. There are many countries that all co-operate to make
sure custody laws are enforced under The Hague Convention. You
DO NOT NEED TO HAVE LEGAL CUSTODY to apply. You can receive additional
information on line at http://www.travel.state.gov/children’s_issues.html.”
Melissa, California
U.S. Department of State
The Office of Children's Issues
SA-29, 4th Floor
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20520-2818
888-407-4747 (8-8 EST)