User Profiles


P1 - Susan

P2 - DLF

P3 - Juan

P4 - Brian

P5 - Ted

P6 - Kumar

P7 - Jen

P8 - Gus

P9 - Nancy

P10 - Simone

P11 - Shivendra


Profile 1 - Susan - wants to initiate a video project

Name: Susan
Age: 30
Location: New York
Sex: Female
Status: Single
Skills: Video Production (all video equipment)
Computer Skills: Has 15 years general experience
Free Time: Tends to work 40 hrs/week. Can dedicate 10 hours/week currently. Wants to become involved full time.
Background/Purpose: She works contract jobs, and is always looking for new work possibilities. But, at this point, she's looking for something more meaningful to do with her time/life.


  • She has a specific activity in mind (do documentaries of nonprofits in india so as to provide them with PR tools to promote their org/work) and she is looking for a way to get it started (mainly, to locate funding)
  • She's looking for people to work with her on the activity.
How did she arrive at Service Space: Somewhere, someone told her that there was some resource on the web
(Service something-or-another)


ServiceSpace Task Flow:

Task #1: Locate the web site

  • It must turn up fairly prominently via a web search on something like "service nonprofit, video"
  • She needs to be able to get from whatever page she arrived at to the home page.

Task #2: Learn what the site has to offer

  • Needs to know within ~20 seconds that this site might be useful.
    • Needs a tag line which indicates that it empowers you to do the project of your dreams.
    • She'll be very drawn to visual stuff, and less to text. It would be beneficial if there was also quickly some indication that this site lived up to its promise (e.g. "Over 75 billion projects succeeded" or short testamonials)
    • Note that we want the intersection of her goal (looking to get funding for her documentary effort) and the 20 second info on the home page to lead her to know she wants to do something with a "project"

Task #3: Learn about projects

  • She needs to be told what a project is, that it is a free thing (since she's going to expect some kind of cost based on her very mercenary industry), and some simple indication of how to start

Task #4: Explore

We think that Susan will want to explore what more the site has to offer and how it works before actually creating a project. So, she must be able to get an overview of things and look at representative things quickly. This probably needs to be self-driven, and not a marketing demo, for example.

Task #5: Come back and create a project

  • Arch: We demand that there is a Person related to a project when it is created.
    • Susan isn't likely to want to have to fill out a dozen fields of info (even if it is important and ultimately necessary info) to create a project. We think that asking for her name, e-mail, password, and a project name would be tolerable.
      • She should be able to add information to both person and project at her whim later on.

Task #6: Modify the project

At this point, we're getting a little sketchy.

Susan will now want to add a bit of detail to her project, at least giving a description of it. (what else might she want?)

Task #7: Learn about doing fundraising

At this point, I think susan will want to figure out what she needs to do to get fundraising for her project. There are various ways she might do this:

  • search on the site for folks that might provide funding
  • send a request for funding
  • use "synergyspace"
  • Look for info/tips provided by the site. (We want to encourage her not to rely too heavily on funding.)

Task #8: Find out about people to join her

In similarly ways to seeking funds, she'll need to look for volunteers.