User Profiles


P1 - Susan

P2 - DLF

P3 - Juan

P4 - Brian

P5 - Ted

P6 - Kumar

P7 - Jen

P8 - Gus

P9 - Nancy

P10 - Simone

P11 - Shivendra


Profile 9 - Nancy - Serious volunteer involved in many projects

Name: Nancy
Age: 25
Location: Hawaii
Sex: Female
Status: Single
Skills: Basic web design, project management
Computer Skills: Has 15 years general experience
Free Time: Tends to work 30 hrs/week. Dedicates 20 hours/week to helping nonprofits.
Background/Purpose: She knows that she wants to work to help others. She has had some frustrating experiences with other online volunteer organizations. She wants to help out in the most effective way that she can.


  • She is looking for good projects to help out with.
  • She is very orderly and wants to manage her projects methodically.
How did she arrive at Service Space: Online reference


ServiceSpace Task Flow: