User Profiles


P1 - Susan

P2 - DLF

P3 - Juan

P4 - Brian

P5 - Ted

P6 - Kumar

P7 - Jen

P8 - Gus

P9 - Nancy

P10 - Simone

P11 - Shivendra


Profile 10 - Simone - artist, lover of life

Name: Simone
Age: 42
Location: Grenoble, France
Sex: Female
Status: Married, with children
Skills: Painting, writing, philosophizing
Computer Skills: Has 7 years general experience. Feels uncomfortable.
Free Time: Between part-time work, all her art and writing, and raising kids, she is pretty busy, but has a good hour every day to play with online.
Background/Purpose: Simone wants to share her love of life with the world. She wants her voice to be heard. She wants her art to be felt. She hopes that it will help inspire someone.


  • Simone has no idea if ServiceSpace is for her. She feels deep compassion for the world and wants to make it better, but she is more into artistic expression than to volunteer projects
  • She would like to start a blog (has heard of them before), she has always wanted to put her writings and artwork online.
How did she arrive at Service Space: Web search for "blogs" and "loving life"


ServiceSpace Task Flow: