User Profiles


P1 - Susan

P2 - DLF

P3 - Juan

P4 - Brian

P5 - Ted

P6 - Kumar

P7 - Jen

P8 - Gus

P9 - Nancy

P10 - Simone

P11 - Shivendra


Profile 11 - Shivendra - wants to empower the subgroups of a larger group

Name: Shivendra
Age: 28
Location: Berkeley
Sex: Male
Status: Married
Skills: Engineer, Great cook
Computer Skills: Has 15 years general experience. Slightly above average.
Free Time: Tends to work 40 hrs/week. Can dedicate 5 hours/week currently.
Background/Purpose: Shivendra is involved with an organization called Ananda Marga. It is both a spiritual and service nonprofit organization. They have many locations throughout the world all working on independent projects, but under the umbrella of Ananda Marga. Shivendra wants to know how he can help them with web solutions.


  • He wants to know if there is any way that all the different 'chapters' can use an online interface to organize and promote their projects. It needs to be simple to use and would be ideal if all projects could fall under the Ananda Marga umbrella, while at the same time managed by each local tech person. A similar look and feel to all the micro-sites would be preferred.
  • The more features that they can use the better.
How did he arrive at Service Space: Friends with some of its creators.


ServiceSpace Task Flow: