User Profiles


P1 - Susan

P2 - DLF

P3 - Juan

P4 - Brian

P5 - Ted

P6 - Kumar

P7 - Jen

P8 - Gus

P9 - Nancy

P10 - Simone

P11 - Shivendra


Profile 3 - Juan - wants to start a new group called Homeful!

Name: Juan
Age: 34
Location: CA
Sex: Male
Status: Single and/or married
Skills: web design, project management
Computer Skills: Has 20 years experience. Above average comfort.
Free Time: Tends to overwork. Can dedicate 3 hours/week currently on this project.

Background/Purpose: He works part time. Has many nonpaying projects going on simultanteously. Is willing to take this on if it benefits outweigh the efforts required.


  • He has a specific activity in mind (to create a group that focuses on the homeless situation from different angles) and he is looking for a way to get it started (mainly, to implement features, open volunteer oppotunities)
  • He wants to integrate it with his own existing URL
How did he arrive at Service Space: By some unseen cosmic force


ServiceSpace Task Flow: